Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Monthly Ostomy Gathering: Psychologist

Our monthly gathering is scheduled for next Monday, March 18 at 6:30 pm.

Our featured speaker will be Dr. Sandra G. Lopez, MS., MFT., Ph.D., a local family therapist and clinical psychologist.

Dr. Lopez has been in private practice in Woodinville for over 20 years. She has a Masters of Science degree in Marriage & Family Therapy and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology.

Her presentation will be:
  • Being an Ostomate, Knowing an Ostomate
  • Self caring, Care giving and the adjustments for both
She will briefly highlight the needs and adjustments that the individual person (ostomate) with a serious illness and subsequent treatment faces, and the need to self advocate and self-care.

“We (ostomate and caregiver) have a journey and a story to not only survive, but to live as best we can.
We/you are not alone.
It takes a village!”

As usual, the gathering will be held in the Snohomish County PUD Electric Building Headquarters at 2320 California St. in Everett.

You can always attend virtually via Zoom:

  • Video
    Join via Zoom
    Meeting ID: 818 0251 7929
    Password: zoomostomy
  • Phone/Audio
    Meeting ID: 818 0251 7929
    Password: 7216698069
We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Let's Get Social on Saturday!

Our Coffee Baggers meetup will be this coming Saturday, March 9, from 10 to 11 a.m.

This time, we are again getting together at one of our favorite location, the Port of Everett's Woods CoffeeStop on by and enjoy the company while sipping on a fancy drink.

Did you know we have donated ostomy supplies? If you're in need, please contact us.