Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Monthly Ostomy Gathering: Psychologist

Our monthly gathering is scheduled for next Monday, March 18 at 6:30 pm.

Our featured speaker will be Dr. Sandra G. Lopez, MS., MFT., Ph.D., a local family therapist and clinical psychologist.

Dr. Lopez has been in private practice in Woodinville for over 20 years. She has a Masters of Science degree in Marriage & Family Therapy and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology.

Her presentation will be:
  • Being an Ostomate, Knowing an Ostomate
  • Self caring, Care giving and the adjustments for both
She will briefly highlight the needs and adjustments that the individual person (ostomate) with a serious illness and subsequent treatment faces, and the need to self advocate and self-care.

“We (ostomate and caregiver) have a journey and a story to not only survive, but to live as best we can.
We/you are not alone.
It takes a village!”

As usual, the gathering will be held in the Snohomish County PUD Electric Building Headquarters at 2320 California St. in Everett.

You can always attend virtually via Zoom:

  • Video
    Join via Zoom
    Meeting ID: 818 0251 7929
    Password: zoomostomy
  • Phone/Audio
    Meeting ID: 818 0251 7929
    Password: 7216698069
We hope to see you there!